photo of Michelle Nouraei, Diabetes coach


I’m Michelle

I am a wife and a mom. I have been a wound care nurse for more than 12 years. During this time I have had a lot of experience working with type 2 diabetic patients.

One thing that has become evident to me over many years is that medication does not help eliminate type 2 diabetes, it actually makes it worse. The truth is that you can’t use drugs to cure a dietary disease.

After my mom was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes eight years ago, I decided I needed to do something about this. I have seen what diabetes does to the body and could not imagine my mom going through that. I am happy to say that after extensive research, I was able to help my mom reverse her type 2 diabetes and get off her medications. For years, I have continued to help many of my clients and patients achieve the same goals, and I am here to help you as well!

Most health professionals consider type 2 diabetes to be a chronic and progressive disease. I am here to tell you this is far from the truth, and that you can reverse your type 2 diabetes naturally!


Together, we can beat type 2 diabetes and regain control of your health.